Come on, it's happened to all of us - we fall asleep with our hand on our skin after receiving a fresh tan.
Don't panic! And don't beat yourself up about it! It's easy to fix.
Simply spray glass cleaner (like Windex) onto palms, massaging into skin with a warm, wet wash cloth. In no time at all, the transferred tan will be a thing of the past, and you can get back to hitting the town with that new Kona Color!
Ask your spray tanner to carry the Kona Tanning House Blend - we ship worldwide!
Like us on Facebook to stay on top of Kona Tanning news and special Facebook friend promotions! OrangeCountyAirbrushTanning.com | MobileTanningDirectory.com
Ask your spray tanner to carry the Kona Tanning House Blend - we ship worldwide!
Like us on Facebook to stay on top of Kona Tanning news and special Facebook friend promotions! OrangeCountyAirbrushTanning.com | MobileTanningDirectory.com