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Getting Engaged Over the Holidays? What You Need to Know | Reposted by Kona Tanning Company Orange County
Glamour Magazine put out a list of “Do’s” and “Don’ts” on getting engaged over the holidays!
Did you get engaged??? Would you get Engaged on the holiday?
Here’s the list!
Do bring holiday cheer to your family gathering and announce that you’re engaged for the group (keeping in mind the caveat below).
Don’t make a big announcement if anyone in attendance may be sensitive to the issue of engagement, like an older sister who’s been dying to get engaged herself or a recently divorced cousin. (Tell people in private in that case.)
Don’t share your news online until you’ve told your family at the holiday gathering. And if you’ll see your best buds for New Year’s, why not wait ’til you can tell them in person?
Do think about when (approximately) you’d like to get married. That question will definitely come up at family holiday gatherings.
Don’t feel bad if the Christmas or Hanukkah gift you got your boyfriend doesn’t match up with the engagement ring he bought you. He knows you wouldn’t have gotten him socks if you knew an engagement ring was coming!
Do get your guy a nice engagement gift once your budget’s recovered from holiday present-buying.
Don’t expect an additional holiday gift from your now-fiance. Engagement rings are expensive!
Don’t throw an engagement party before the New Year (if you want people to show). Your friends already have a billion holiday parties they’ve agreed to attend, and they’ll need more notice than a few days.
Don’t take it personally if your friends don’t text you back after you tell them your news on Christmas Eve or Christmas. This may be the one time of year they’re not glued to their phones–or they’d rather get in touch when they’re on their own turf instead of at Aunt Mary’s holiday dinner.
Do look your best for any potential proposal outing if you care about how those first engagement photos come out. (I looked like crap for mine!) And if you don’t get engaged, at least you’ll look hot!
Beauty Natasha Yi for Iron Man Magazine Swimsuit Edition - Airbrushed Tan by Kona Tanning Company Orange County

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Who DOESN'T want a little tanning contouring for their holiday party this month?
A section from Lauren Abraham's November "What Makes A Real Man?" Article in Fitness Gurls Magazine! Tan by Orange County's Kona Tanning Company