You asked for it…
I get lots of questions about the “one” thing I feel you should have at all times to stay on track. That is a tough one as I don’t have just “one thing”! So I thought about it, and made a list of the 10 things I can’t live without!
Here are my top-10 must haves that help keep me on track with my health and fitness goals:
10. Good workout clothing
This is worth the investment. I would rather have a few nice pieces than lot’s of inexpensive one. Having clothes that wick sweat away, wash well, don’t hold odor and fit well can make your workouts more comfortable and appealing. If you are working out with the right intensity you DO need good support and clothing that will wick sweat. One brand that I currently love is lulu lemon. It is a bit more pricey but the clothes fit well, support, wash well and hold up for years.
9. Sunblock and my ‘secret’ for that healthy glow
Yes I am 40 but I don’t feel it and I am fortunate to have been told that I look younger then my age. I NEVER leave the house without a solid SPF. I use 45 on my face always- even on cloudy days. That said, I am guilty of loving the LOOK of a tan. Since I do NOT go unprotected in the real sun, I have discovered some self tanners that not only do not turn orange but they smell amazing. A healthy looking glow can make you look and feel leaner which ultimately gives you more confidence. More confidence makes me want to push myself harder so YES my faux healthy glow helps me with that
I love the mystic sunless spray booths at ITAN or my home Kona Tanning products for this. To learn more about the sunless Kona Tanning at home products that I use, look HERE
8. My 6 pack bag for an easy system to prepare and have food handy
I typically like to grocery shop and prepare my food for the week on Sundays. If I KNOW that I am going to be on the road a lot, I will divide my meals into equal containers that I can pop into my 6 pack bag. I LOVE this bag as it is something worth checking out. It holds separate meals, keeps them HOT or COLD and has extra pouches for my blender bottles, snacks and water. To learn more about the 6 PACK BAG cooler look HERE
7. Caffeine
Green Tea and OCTANE- Even the most healthy diets can still have you in an afternoon slump. I personally am a fan of green tea and a healthy pick me up. For days that I feel especially tired and I need to focus and I want a hard
workout I LOVE my OCTANE energy drink. It is natural, does not have harmful ingredients that fat burners have.- You can learn more about OCTANE here
6. Ipod with GREAT music
Nothing gets me more in the mood to workout then new music on my ipod! They have become increasingly inexpensive and small. You can download music inexpensively and load up your favorite tunes.
5. Almonds
Almonds are the ideal stabilizer! They help curb hunger, balance out meals and add some fiber, protein and healthy fat in an instant! I carry almonds in my purse with me always.
4. Protein bars and Protein filled snacks
I aim for real foods but protein bars help me in binds. I stock my purse, gym bag and car with these and they will do when traveling, stuck in traffic, or just craving something with more of a cookie texture. The think with protein bars if you need to be careful as many are utter garbage and have no better nutritional value than a candy bar! Choose bars that you can define the ingredients. More on protein bars and the two brands that I love are HERE.
3. My high powered blender
I have VITAMIX and I love it. I am all about convenience and my vitamix allows for that. I use it mostly for quick meals. I am an expert at making a smoothie for meal! I have frozen fruit in my freezer at all time and tossing that , a scoop of protein powder and some healthy fat (like a nut butter) make a filling healthy meal QUICKLY. If you want almost 70 ideas for healthy smoothies and juices you can whip up in your blender look HERE.
Protein powder is NOT just for body builders. And, the days of chalky powders that clump up and don’t mix are LONG gone! Great protein powders help develop lean muscle mass, repair sore muscles, and protein helps you lose fat and ward off hunger. I include them daily in my diet and recommend them to my clients. To read more about protein powder look HERE-
1. My stainless steel water bottles
Proper hydration is important for so many reasons but it is easy to forget to drink water all day long. I LOVE my stainless steel water bottles- they stay cold, are inexpensive and come in fun colors and patters. I carry it with me all day long. Having it by my side is an instant reminder to drink more water!
So there you have it! My 10 must haves for a FITTER YOU!

Natalie Jill
Excuses or Solutions… YOU decide!
- Natalie Jill
For help losing weight, leaning out and increasing your energy via nutrition look HERE for women, HERE for men and HERE for vegans.